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void CreateDatabase(EbaseDef * def, const char * dbFileName);
Create a database with the specified name, fileds, etc.
Note that the caller retains the ownership of 'def' after the call.
Parameters :
static void CreateDatabase(EbaseDef * def, const char * dbFileName);
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void OpenDatabase(const char * dbFileName);
Open a database. Almost all functions need an open database
associated with this object.
Parameters :
void OpenDatabase(const char * dbFileName);
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void CloseDatabase();
Close database. After closing the current open database, this
object can open another database.
void CloseDatabase();
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EbBoolean IsOpen();
Query if database is open.
EbBoolean IsOpen();
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EbIndexDef * NewIndexDef();
Create a new index template for later index creation. Ebase owns
the new data. The caller should never try to free the data.
Limit : Currently there can only be one new index def structure at any time. The new index def is converted to a regular index def whne BuildIndex() is called. The curr new index def is deleted if a second NewIndexDef() is called before any BuildIndex() is called. The new index def, if there is one, is deleted when database is closed.
Exceptions : EBE_OUT_OF_MEMORY
EbIndexDef * NewIndexDef();
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void BuildIndex(EbIndexDef *& def);
Build a new index. If an index already exists with the same
definition, this function has no effect other than setting
the def pointer to the existing index def.
If def was a new index def, the caller will not be able to modify the index def strcuture after this function is successfully called.
Parameters :
void BuildIndex(EbIndexDef *& def);
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void DeleteIndex(EbIndexDef * pIndex);
Delete an index. The argument can be obtained either through
NewIndexDef() or through GetIndexDef().
Applications cannot delete the record id index.
Parameters :
void DeleteIndex(EbIndexDef * pIndex);
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EbUint32 NumberOfIndices();
Return the number of indices.
EbUint32 NumberOfIndices();
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EbIndexDef * GetIndexDef(EbUint32 iid);
Return a pointer to the existing index def. The ebase owns the data.
Exceptions :
EbIndexDef * GetIndexDef(EbUint32 iid);
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EbInt32 GetIndexId(EbIndexDef * pIndex);
Get index id. Return -1 if not found.
EbInt32 GetIndexId(EbIndexDef * pIndex);
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EbRecord * NewRecord();
Return a new empty record for further manipulation. The new
will normally be added to database through CommitRecord().
The new record will have -1 record id until it is committed.
The ebase owns the new record. In other words, the caller should not try to free the data.
There can be more than one new records at a time.
Exception :
EbRecord * NewRecord();
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EbRecord * GetRecord(EbUint32 offset, EbIndexId iid );
Retrieve an existing record by its offset according to the specified
index sorting order.
The ebase owns the record. In other words, the caller should not try to free the data.
Get the same record multiple times will result in multipe copies of the same record.
Parameters :
Exceptions :
EbRecord * GetRecord(EbUint32 offset, EbIndexId iid=0);
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void CommitRecord(EbRecord *rec);
Add a new record or modify an existing record, depending on
whether the record was obtained through NewRecord() or GetRecord().
Parameters :
void CommitRecord(EbRecord *rec);
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void DeleteRecord(EbRecord *pRecord);
Delete a record. Both memory resource and file resource are
freed. For a new, uncommited record, this function frees the
memory space occupied by the record.
Parameters :
void DeleteRecord(EbRecord *pRecord);
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void FreeRecord(EbRecord * pRecord);
Free the memory occupied by the record. This function is called
when the caller does not want to use the record anymore. If this
function is not called on a record, the record will be freed when
the database is closed.
Exception :
void FreeRecord(EbRecord * pRecord);
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void FreeAllRecords();
Free the memory occupied by all active records.
void FreeAllRecords();
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EbUint32 NumberOfRecords();
Return the number of records.
EbUint32 NumberOfRecords();
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void BinarySearch(EbIndexDef * index, EbRecord *pRecord, EbUint32 & pos, EbBoolean & found, EbInt32 option );
Binary search a record. The index must have already been built.
The record can be a new record, an existing record or a modified
existing record.
HINT : This search is faster. You only need to supply the field data that are relavent to the current index in the record. For example, if current index is a dictionary order on "LastName" field, you can create a new record and put "Smith" in to the "LastName" field to search for a record with last name "Smith".
BinarySearch only searches for exact match with built indices.
Parameters :
void BinarySearch(EbIndexDef * index, EbRecord *pRecord, EbUint32 & pos, EbBoolean & found, EbInt32 option = 0);
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EbaseDef * GetEbaseDef();
Get a pointer to the database definition. The caller must
not modify the definition.
The caller does not own the ebase def data.
Return value : a pointer to the copy of the database definition. Or NULL on errors.
EbaseDef * GetEbaseDef();
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Report problems to jkotula@vitalimages.com