
EbSearch is a client-level module that provides single field based search functions.

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class EbSearch
Unnamed_Enum UEnum_ebsearch_h_1;
static EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, const char *string, EbUint32 flag , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );
static EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, EbInt32 number, EbUint32 flags , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );
}; // EbSearch

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Unnamed_Enum UEnum_ebsearch_h_1;

Search options.

    enum {
        CASE = 0,
        NO_CASE = 1,
        CASE_MASK = 1,

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EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, const char *string, EbUint32 flag , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );

Search for a string in a string field.

If the search is backward, and startOffset is bigger than the number of records, startOffset is adjusted to be the last record offset.

Valid search flags include :

                CASE            (default) case-sensitive
                NO_CASE         case-insensitive

                EXACT_MATCH     (default) exact match
                PREFIX_MATCH    search for prefix match
                SUFFIX_MATCH    search for suffix match
                SUBSTRING_MATCH search for substring

                NORMAL          (default) normal
                NEGATIVE        treat "match" as "not match"; vice versa.

                FORWARD         (deafult) search forward
                BACKWARD        search backward

Flags from different groups can be combined together through '|' operator.

Parameters :

in iid
Index id according to whose sorting order the search is performed.
in fieldName
The field to be searched.
in startOffset
The first record to be search.
in string
The string to be searched for. It cannot be a NULL pointer.
in flag
How the string should be search.

Return value : The offset of the matching record. Or < 0, if not found.

Exceptoins :

iid out of range
cannot find the field

    static EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase,
                                const char *fieldName,
                                const char *string,
                                EbUint32 flag=0,
                                EbUint32 startOffset=0,
                                EbUint32 iid=0);

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EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, EbInt32 number, EbUint32 flags , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );

Search for a number in a number field.

If the search is backward, and startOffset is bigger than the number of records, startOffset is set to the last record.

Valid search flags include :

                EQAUL_TO      (default) equal
                LESS_THAN     search for less-than
                GREATER_THAN  search for greater-than

            SINGED      (default) numbers are signed

                NORMAL   (default) normal
                NEGATIVE treat "match" as "not match"; vice versa.

            FORWARD   (deafult) search forward
            BACKWARD   search backward

Parameters :

in iid
Index id according to whose sorting order the search is performed.
in fieldName
The field to be searched.
in number
The the number to be searched for.
in flags
The search flags.

Return value : The offset of the matching record. Or < 0 if not found.

Exceptoins : Those which are returned by GetRecord(), GetFieldInt32().

    static EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase,
                                const char *fieldName,
                                EbInt32 number,
                                EbUint32 flags=0,
                                EbUint32 startOffset=0,
                                EbUint32 iid=0);

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All Members

Unnamed_Enum UEnum_ebsearch_h_1;
static EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, const char *string, EbUint32 flag , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );
static EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, EbInt32 number, EbUint32 flags , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );

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Class does not inherit from any other class.

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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Generated from source by the Cocoon utilities on Tue Aug 14 12:00:07 2001 .

Report problems to jkotula@vitalimages.com