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Unnamed_Enum UEnum_ebsearch_h_1;
Search options.
enum { CASE = 0, NO_CASE = 1, CASE_MASK = 1,
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EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, const char *string, EbUint32 flag , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );
Search for a string in a string field.
If the search is backward, and startOffset is bigger than the number of records, startOffset is adjusted to be the last record offset.
Valid search flags include :
CASE (default) case-sensitive NO_CASE case-insensitive EXACT_MATCH (default) exact match PREFIX_MATCH search for prefix match SUFFIX_MATCH search for suffix match SUBSTRING_MATCH search for substring NORMAL (default) normal NEGATIVE treat "match" as "not match"; vice versa. FORWARD (deafult) search forward BACKWARD search backward
Flags from different groups can be combined together through '|' operator.
Parameters :
Exceptoins :
static EbInt32 SearchString(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, const char *string, EbUint32 flag=0, EbUint32 startOffset=0, EbUint32 iid=0);
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EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, EbInt32 number, EbUint32 flags , EbUint32 startOffset , EbUint32 iid );
Search for a number in a number field.
If the search is backward, and startOffset is bigger than the number of records, startOffset is set to the last record.
Valid search flags include :
EQAUL_TO (default) equal LESS_THAN search for less-than GREATER_THAN search for greater-than SINGED (default) numbers are signed UNSINGED NORMAL (default) normal NEGATIVE treat "match" as "not match"; vice versa. FORWARD (deafult) search forward BACKWARD search backward
Parameters :
Exceptoins : Those which are returned by GetRecord(), GetFieldInt32().
static EbInt32 SearchNumber(Ebase *ebase, const char *fieldName, EbInt32 number, EbUint32 flags=0, EbUint32 startOffset=0, EbUint32 iid=0);
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